Merry Christmas and Happy New Year here on Warsong !





1-  Bonus on Donations : 


for every donation made this week you recieve +30% extra vip points 





2- 2023 Gift :



Mary offer for a limited time (until 01/01/2024 midnight) a box with usefull items (currencies,magic leathers,


mascot tokens,mount tokens and wings if you're lucky enough ) if you have at least 24 hours of played time.





3- changelog :


- eradicate titans dailies mob count reduced from 100 to 50.


- agility test (unlocking legendary gear) made easier.


- better chances at getting easy worldboss legendary quest items.



4- Gm Recruitment :




We are looking for a new gm to join our staff , must know all 3.3.5 game and server content


with a decent played time.   speaking french & english is a plus.


Feel free to send me your presentation on Discord.





Have a nice time on Warsong !